Acupuncture achieves balance in the body by simultaneously addressing a person’s physical, emotional, and mental health. While acupuncture is most often used to treat pain, it is also a successful way to help your body heal itself from anxiety, headaches, insomnia, and more. We also use cupping, movement and health recommendations, moxibustion and gua sha as needed.
We offer weekly private appointments, as well as community acupuncture starting at $35 every Monday and Thursday. |
Life/Family Constellation Work is a three-dimensional therapeutic process with trained practitioners that works with around self, family and relationships. This powerful work helps participants connect with themselves, and often their ancestral lineage. This connection reveals and unwinds unconscious behavioral patterns, helping us realign with greater health and consciousness. It allows us to break unhealthy pattern so that we can live happier, healthier, more fulfilled lives. The results can be life-changing. |
All of our tea is artisanal, premium, loose-leaf and super delicious for daily drinking and special occasions. Check out the tea descriptions on the Tea Store page to learn about their flavor profile (wei) and internal health benefits and energetics (qi). Tea has been used as medicine in cultures across the world for thousands of years. Enjoy a cup in the comfort of your own home or on the go while benefiting your overall health and wellness! Drinking this high quality delicious tea has changed our lives. We're excited for you to experience that too. |