Conditions we help with: (in alphabetical order) Allergies Autoimmune Illness Back Pain Accelerated Healing of Fractures Bronchitis Cancer Support Car Accidents Chronic Illness Common Colds Digestive Disorders Emotional Disorders Flu (viral infections) Foggy Thinking Headache Heatstroke Recovery Hot Flashes Immune System Health Insomnia Joint Pain Laryngitis Lyme Disease Migraines Menopause Musculoskeletal pain Nausea Neck Pain Organ Disorders Pain Parkinson's Disease Plantar Fascitis Prostatitis Scar Tissue Growth Shingles Shoulder Pain Sinus Infections (chronic/acute) Strep Throat Tendonitis Torticollis Urogential Disorders Wellness
*Don't feel limited to these disorders. These are listed to give you an idea of our scope of practice. We are a full-service clinic, and if nothing is specifically out of balance, we work on preventative treatment and overall wellness.