Family Constellation Work
What does a Constellation session look like?
FCW is a multidimensional, profound and logical process. The trained facilitators, Mary Frank, Hunter, and Jessie, and the clients work together to identify challenges and unfold past injuries. For intensive generational work, the patient is mailed a questionnaire to fill out with as much information about their family history as they can find. Some liken FCW to sacred ritual. The power and strength of rituals are proven to be effective, and so is the power of this work when done with the integrity of the heart. How does past trauma affect our life now? Stress responses that happened in the past can cause changes within our molecules that are passed down in our genes and DNA. Anytime one becomes deeply overwhelmed or traumatized, a chemical tag attaches to our cells that realigns behavior patterns protecting us from the danger. This causes us to become numb, fragmented and shut down. We inherit those molecular changes that have occurred in past generations, through no fault of our own. It is necessary to include the challenging, disengaged and disintegrated parts of ourselves, and give them clarity, space and love in order for transformation to occur. Then, we can live a full, expressive and meaningful life. When we are split inside we can do harm to ourselves and others. If this fractured part of ourselves remains disconnected from the family system, it can continue to be passed down for generations, always isolated and always seeking inclusion. FCW can restore peace on the deepest cellular and psychological level. FCW serves as a modern day ritual
FCW is a form of sacred ritual. Rituals have been proven to be effective within diverse cultures all over the globe, throughout time. FCW draws from indigenous spiritual mysticism to ease personal (mental, physical, emotional, spiritual), communal and global challenges. The rebalancing that unfolds during the constellation seemingly travels beyond space and time, within what some refer to as a morphogenetic field, to reach the people represented in the process. The healing is an example of the powerful mystery and magic within the universe. Openheartedness is the seed that brings universal love to the moment and creates the environment for the rebalancing to occur. Can I do FCW if I am currently doing other therapies?
FCW can be a stand alone approach for personal growth, or an as adjunct to other modalities like body work, acupuncture, counseling, dream analysis or spiritual work. It is always beneficial to look at and explore our challenges from many angles. Complementary therapies enhance, uncover and unravel blocks within our system much faster when used together in harmony. How long before I notice results after a FCW appointment?
Often, there is an immediate relief and clarity of issues after a session, but it is not a quick fix or a short term solution. It can take months for the profound benefits of FCW to unfold in your life and the lives of your loved ones and family, even when they have not participated in the constellation themselves. Where is FCW practiced in the world?
Over 100 books have been written about this profound, simple and direct method of healing that has arisen based on indigenous wisdom and the insights of psychotherapists such as Bert Hellinger and others, working with family systems affected by personal, intergenerational, and collective trauma (famine, war, systemic oppression). It is practiced on every continent and in many languages around the world. If there is to be peace in the world, There must be peace in the nations. If there is to be peace in the nations, There must be peace in the cities. If there is to be peace in the cities, There must be peace between neighbors. If there is to be peace between neighbors, There must be peace in the home. If there is to be peace in the home, There must be peace in the heart. -- Lao Tzu (570 - 490 B.C.) |
Family Constellation Work
with Mary Frank Slaughter, LMT, CST & Hunter Purdy, RN, HNB-BC, HWNC-BC
$350-$475 sliding scale for the 2.5-3 hour session, depending on what you can honorably and safely afford. FCW appointments can be scheduled for individuals or groups by calling 502.330.4233 or book online. GOOD FOR:Breaking destructive patterns
Anxiety Depression Guilt Chronic Illness Sense of Belonging Relationships Pain Trauma Life Direction Career Family Baggage
What is Family Constellation work? Family Constellation Work is a three-dimensional therapeutic process with trained practitioners that works with dynamics around family, relationship and sense of self. This powerful work helps participants connect with their ancestral lineage, reveal unconscious behavioral patterns and realign with greater health and consciousness. It allows us to break unhealthy pattern so that we can live happier, healthier, more fulfilled lives. The results can be life-changing. Family Constellation Work (FCW) looks at family and life situations with a wider lens, so we gain insights into the deeper reasons that cause things to occur, such as why individuals are not given a place or not spoken of and why behavioral patterns appear to repeat, often unconsciously, from one generation to the next. This work helps participants connect with their ancestral lineage, reveals unconscious behaviors and realigns with the movement toward greater health and consciousness. The answer to our challenges in life may not lie in our own story, but in the story of our parents, grandparents and great grandparents. Scientific research is showing us that intergenerational trauma (trauma that passes from one generation to another) may persist until that chain of events is untangled. Even after each person who experienced the original trauma has died, pieces of their life experience still live in the cells of their descendants. Trauma is always seeking ease and repair from the wounds of separation. Left unaddressed, pain and angst do not completely dissolve with time; it is only when we bring these experiences up from the depth and consciously see, hear and feel what they want to express that they will move and dissipate. The natural impulse of the cosmic world is to always seek consciousness, harmony, balance, wholeness and peace, so that given the right environment, a deeper healing truth can appear. The FCW process continues to evolve as our world shifts and changes. Mary Frank, Hunter, and Jessie bring their diverse background, extensive study, life experience and intuitive wisdom to strengthen the results from your session. How does it begin?
We begin from a premise that all of us are spiritual beings having a human experience and have chosen to incarnate into our particular soul family. Each individual plays an important role in the healing of the evolution of their family, but this quest cannot be realized unless we move past personality challenges and our own ideas of right and wrong. What does Family Constellation Work reveal?
FCW reveals our unconscious connection with the fate of our ancestors. The overwhelming or traumatic experiences from events such as premature death, war, abuse, isolation, exclusion and victimization can lead to "entanglements" in our family system. This powerful work helps participants connect with their ancestral lineage, and bring into consciousness and alignment movement which moves toward greater health. The results can be life changing. |