Contentment & Meditation
in everyday life with Joe Fiala, Ph.D. 2015: April-May Contentment & Meditation in Everyday Life Course is a part of The Way of Shambhala program developed by Shambhala International. It incorporates Buddhist psychology, meditation and mindfulness practice, self reflection and discovery, and group discussion to allow us to explore our relationship with Contentment (Joy, Fear and Wisdom are the other courses in the series along with Meditation). Basic meditation will be introduced. These courses are non-religious, focusing on self development and growth. 4-week course. Taught for 1-2 hours over multiple weeks. Previous meditation class required. 2015 4-Part Class: Tuesdays April 28th, May 5th & 12th, 5:15-7:15 p.m. Saturday, May 16th, 1-5 p.m. $125. REGISTER HERE or just show up. |