2015 Movement Classes with Rhea Lehman
*Moving Words: A Writing Playshop Saturday, August 15th Words Matter! We have all had the experience of words moving us—to tears, huffs or deep contemplation. We know it when words fall flat, or feel too dense. With this awareness, we can learn collectively to give deeper and livelier voice to our experiences, and to deepen our listening to the voices of others. There is transformative potential in writing together. 10 - 2 p.m. $50. Register online here! * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *Sensing Connections Saturday, February 28th In this half-day experiential workshop, Rhea will facilitate several simple explorations of our inner and inter-connectedness. Practices of sensing, feeling and allowing moving can open us to greater spontaneity, equanimity, and awareness of our Oneness. Rhea will draw upon her years of experience with Family Constellation Work, Continuum Movement, Authentic Movement, and the Affect System to support individual and shared discoveries. 10 -2 p.m. $50. *Creative Solutions: A Constellation Workshop Saturday, April 11th A half-day experiential group workshop to help participants connect with the resources of their ancestral lineage, reveal unconscious forces at play, and/or align with movements of greater creative forces. Our work is based on the classic Family Constellation approach of Bert Hellinger and the extensive body of knowledge that has developed around this process during the last 30 years, as well as our collective knowledge of Art Therapy, Visionary Craniosacral work, Continuum Movement, Reiki, the Affect System, Shamanic work and Improvisation. Whatever challenges an individual may wish to address--physical, relational, professional--all participants benefit from the work, as it opens channels for deep soul-level healing to occur, and new perspectives and insights to arise. Facilitators: Rhea Lehman & Mary Frank Slaughter, LMT, CST Saturday, April 11th from 10-2:30. $50. REGISTER HERE or just show up! *Free 2nd Friday Lecture: Emotional Culture Friday, June 12th This talk explores the phenomena of our emotions and our emotional patterns. Learn in greater depth how biology (the innate affects) and biography combine to uniquely "script" our individual emotional responses. And learn how familial and cultural communities contribute directly to patterns in our lives. Practical concepts and approaches will be introduced to support greater consciousness of our emotions, while maximizing the flow of positive feeling. 7-8 p.m. Free. Just show up. *Learning through Feeling Saturday, June 20th In this half-day workshop, we will develop capacity for attuning and attending to our feelings, through simple breath, sound and movement explorations. There will also be an opportunity to experience how words, images, and ideology move through us. Developing this awareness enables us to have greater freedom and range of response in life.* 10 - 2 p.m. $50. Register here or just show up. *Rhea will lead a Free 2nd Friday Lecture this month on Emotional Culture. Read more! |